Membership Options
1 YEAR: July 1 to June 30
Regular $75.00
For educational leaders employed as the following:
Full time in a K-12 school system in Georgia and who hold supervisory, coordinating, or consulting positions directly related to the improvement of instruction and curriculum development. Regular members who are employed full time are eligible to vote, hold elected office, and serve on all committees and boards including the Executive Board.
Less than full time in a K-12 school system in Georgia and who hold supervisory, coordinating, or consulting positions directly related to the improvement of instruction and curriculum development. Regular members employed less than full time are eligible to vote and serve on all committees and boards except the Executive Board.
Associate $75.00
For any person employed by public or private institutions of higher learning, members of educational agencies who provide services to GACIS or affiliate associations, and individuals formerly holding regular membership who no longer qualify for such membership. Associate Members are eligible to vote and serve on all committees and boards except the Executive Board.
Retired $25.00
For any person who served as an educational leader and are fully retired. Retired members do not vote or hold elected office.
Honorary - May be conferred by the Board of Directors to a person who has performed meritorious service for GACIS and/or for public education in Georgia. No membership fees will be expected of the recipient. Honorary members shall not be eligible to vote or hold office.
Benefits & Services
GACIS is committed to being the leading organization for teaching and learning.
You are not alone in your work. GACIS is the largest GAEL affiliate. With over 800 members, GACIS provides a rich network of outstanding experienced educators committed to promoting best practices to support the whole child. GACIS members are a dynamic network of educators serving in a variety of positions and roles.
Two statewide conferences in September and December provide outstanding professional growth and development opportunities with national experts, challenging speakers, corporate partners, and timely topics on issues of instruction, curriculum, assessment, supervision, learning, leadership, and technology.
- Attend conferences at a reduced member's rate.
- Broaden your knowledge as you share and learn valuable information, skills, strategies, and best practice.
- Network with colleagues devoted to improving teaching and learning.
- 16 local GACIS districts provide additional support, training, networking, and learning opportunities.
- Electronic communications provide timely and critical information on educational issues, pending legislation, legislation, rules, policies, and developing news.
- Opportunities to expand your professional network
- Take an active role in the leadership of GACIS.
- Nominate or be nominated for the annual Distinguished Service Award and $1,000.
- Apply for Flanders Scholarship, up to $1,000 for advanced degree work.
- Eligible to join Georgia Association of Educational Leaders (GAEL)
- GACIS members are eligible and encouraged to join GAEL and expand their professional network.
Professional Learning
GACIS conferences offer outstanding opportunities to hear national speakers, local education practitioners and to network with colleagues. Through its affiliation with GAEL, broad based conferences and workshops provide additional opportunities for professional growth.
GACIS Fall Conference, held each September at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education, is the largest GACIS Conference. In addition to national speakers and Georgia practitioners, corporate sponsors and exhibitors display the latest educational resources.
GACIS Winter Conference held in December provides members an opportunity to connect research recommendations, strategies and practice to improve instruction.
National speakers include but Are not limited to:
Larry Ainsworth
Dr. John Almarode
John Antonnetti
Dr. Kylene Beers
Alan Blankstein
Becky Bone
Dr. Robert Brooks
Dr. Karen Burke
Jimmy Casas
Joyce Collett
Dr. Anne Davies
Dr. Peter DeWitt
Dr. David Docterman
Barbara Dooley
Dr. Dave Edyburn
Dr. Mary Ehrenworth
Principal EL
Dr. Melissa Fincher
Dr. Nancy Frey
Susan Gendron
Dr. Avis Glaze
Dr. Steve Graham
Dr. Freeman Hrabowski
Dr. Heidi Hayes Jacobs
Carol Jago
Dr. Peter Johnston
Janel Keating
Jacqueline King
Dr. Kate Kinsella
Bernadette Lambert
Dr. Lester Laminack
Nicole Law
Krista Leh
Dr. Robert Marzano
Beatrice "Bea" McGarvey
Dr. Ray McNulty
Jay McTighe
Dr. Anthony Nottingham
Susan O'Connell
Polly Patrick
Dr. Ruby Payne
Dr. Angela Peery
Dr. Debra Pickering
Dr. Lissa Pijanowski
Dr. Robert Probst
Dr. Doug Reeves
Ainsley Rose
Dr. John Saphier
Dr. Mike Schmoker
Dr. Cathy Seeley
Eric Sheninger
Doug Sovde
Scott Taylor
Dr. Carol Ann Tomlinson
Jason Turner
Autumn Vavoso
Stephen Ventura
David Warlick
Todd Whitaker
Dr. Grant Wiggins
Dr. Jeffery Wilhelm
Shelia Yates
Your Voice Matters. Public education faces new and complex challenges. Stay involved and informed. GACIS relies on your experience, expertise, and input to develop the yearly GACIS Legislative Priorities. After approval by the members, the legislative priorities are posted on the website and sent to each GACIS District Director to be distributed for members to use as "talking points" with their local representatives and senators.
GACIS works with GAEL, the six other GAEL affiliates, and other key educational groups to monitor, provide information, and report on education and related legislation to keep you informed. GACIS's advocacy gives you a presence at the table when education policy, as well as, legislation is being considered. Every effort is made to keep members apprised of current issues. Members are strongly encouraged to get to know and communicate with their lawmakers and educational leaders at the state and federal levels.